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Michael Osland shares tips to hire an efficient workforce


A highly efficient workforce is key to a company’s success. The hiring process can be tedious, but the time spent on the search will lead to a better employee and, as a result, better results for your company. By following these simple steps, you’ll find yourself with hire more proficient employees in no time.
It’s easy to believe that all job applicants are essentially the same. The internet, after all, has made it so simple for us to apply for jobs nowadays. But this method of hiring is simply not efficient enough anymore. Even one day of extra skills can make a massive difference in the long run, especially when critical decisions need to be met with confidence and specific deadlines need to be met without error. However, other factors surrounding each candidate can determine whether or not they will succeed in their role, one of which is their ability to get along with fellow employees.

Determine specific skills needed from each position – Michael Osland

It’s essential to work out exactly what skills are needed from each new hire before you begin searching to avoid wasting effort on applicants who aren’t qualified for a role within your company. Create a list of all qualifications that could prove helpful during an interview. Some intangible traits come with being qualified for a job – different roles require different experiences – so it’s crucial to create a list of all the skills you are looking for before beginning your search.

Create an application process that is engaging

While applicants should have specific qualifications for a position, it’s also important to make them feel engaged with your company. You can do this by creating an interesting application that leaves potential employees feeling like they’ve accomplished something worthwhile. Indicate where applicants can find more detail about job postings.
The easier applications are to fill out, the greater number of submissions you’ll receive; people who aren’t interested will not go through the effort of completing an eight-page form if they don’t know what kind of information they would need to provide. Give as much detail as possible in job listings to avoid confusion over requirements and responsibilities says Michael Osland


Have staff review every application sent to them

It’s essential to have someone check over every application that comes through; even if it looks like there is no chance they are qualified for the role. Applying for a job means applicants are willing to put in the extra effort to receive an unexpected gem of talent among the inappropriate candidates.
This article is about hiring practices and tips on how not to waste time searching for employees. The tone of voice used throughout is serious and informational as this article does not offer advice as much as it provides knowledge/information. This article uses AP style and quotes from other sources explicitly related to hiring practices (i.e., websites). There aren’t any visuals included with this article; however, the article doesn’t need visuals to communicate effectively.
To avoid wasting effort on applicants who aren’t qualified for a role within your company, it’s important to work out exactly what skills are needed from each new hire before you begin searching. Create a list of all qualifications that could prove helpful during an interview. There are some intangible traits that come with being qualified for a job – different roles require different experiences – so it’s crucial to create a list of all the skills you are looking for before beginning your search.