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Italian Pizza and its increasing fame on social media

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Happy has five letters, so does pizza. It is no coincidence, it is indeed no less than a happiness for humans. The world today is wild and crazy about the pizza. It is the most popular food in the world. All of us make the phrase “Every day is a pizza day” become true. I mean who would ever say no to pizza? It is the most beautiful thing to exist for all the foodies out there. Pizza has gained an immense popularity all over the social media. It is the most pictured food on Instagram. According to a recent research, the number of photos uploaded on Instagram containing pizza counted to seventeen million. A survey result shows that 98% people like pizza. That is huge!

Whenever people think of having fast food, pizza is what hits their mind. It is the most preferred food among all fast foods by the youngsters. Pizza is a food that rules everyone’s hearts. Italian pizza is gaining a lot more popularity in the recent years all over the internet. The reason why it is gaining popularity in the fast food industry is because it is cost effective. Its pricing is not too high, and they serve what they promise. It is a relatively high quality food at affordable price.

The increasing fame

Italian pizza made its name into this world in the mid of nineteenth century. Italians added the colors of their flag to this dish i.e. green, red, and white. Italians introduced pizza in the U.S. and today Italian food is world famous for pizza. There are millions of pizza lovers across the globe. If people had choice, they would skip their everyday meals and have pizza all day every day. Italian foods are world famous for pizzas, spaghetti, etc.

There are a number of reasons as to why people go for Italian pizza most often.

Pocket friendliness: Italian pizza is pocket friendly. Prices are normal, not too high and not too low. Nearly everyone can enjoy high quality Italian foods at suitable prices.

Taste and quality: It tastes delicious, and its promising quality is what attracts more and more people towards it. With such delicious taste, Italian pizza has made everyone its fan.

Healthy ingredients: It is because of the healthy ingredients used in the process. Tomatoes, onions, olives, mushrooms, all of these are healthy ingredients that are used to make pizza.

Availability of ingredients: All of the things needed to make pizza are readily available and affordable. Also, it targets both vegetarians and non- vegetarians, because it is not necessary to have meat in pizza. It can be both, meat or meatless. Pizza can even be made without cheese for those who don’t like cheese.

Quick recipe: It is a quick meal, it takes almost 20 minutes for an Italian pizza to be ready to be served to its customer. It is the best midnight snack for you while you are watching movies.