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4 Reasons to Calculate Your Calories

4 Reasons to Calculate Your Calories

Following a proper diet and getting the daily recommended amount of calories is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to figure out how many calories are in your food. That’s why it’s such an important skill to know how to calculate the number of calories in anything you eat or drink! Here are four reasons why you should get used to doing this simple math every day:

Track Your Progress

Calorie counting is a simple way to measure the energy content of food. It’s also a great way to keep track of what you’re eating and how much weight you’re losing (or gaining). For example, if you take in fewer calories than your body uses for energy every day, then over time, that will result in weight loss. But, of course, it’s not that simple. For example, if you exercise more than usual or eat less salty foods, then this process can be affected as well—but measuring calories gives a basic idea of whether or not your diet is working for you. Calorie counting can also help you control portion sizes by providing insight into how much actual food makes up those numbers on nutrition labels or restaurant menus (which can be confusing).

Control Your Portion Sizes

One of the main reasons to count calories is that it can help you control your portion sizes. If you need to figure out what a serving size looks like, counting calories can help you learn about portions and make informed decisions about how much food is on your plate. By using a calorie counter, you can keep track of what you’ve eaten to ensure that you’re eating healthy portions at every meal—this is important for weight loss, weight management and overall health.

Lose Weight

Calorie calculations can help you lose weight. By understanding how many calories you’re consuming and burning, you’ll better understand what your body needs. This will let you know if you should increase or decrease the amount of food that goes into your mouth.

Calories are a measure of energy from food and drink. They tell us how much energy we’re getting from the foods we eat, which helps us know whether or not it’s enough for our bodies to function properly. For example, if someone eats more than 2200 calories in one day but only burns 2000 calories at an activity level like sleeping or watching TV all day, then that person will gain weight (they won’t lose any).


The most common way people think about calories is in kilocalories (kcal), which are often just referred to as “calories” on food labels because they’re practically interchangeable terms anyway!


According to Legion Athletics experts, “Calculating calories can ease out you weight loss journey.”

Calories help identify the different nutrients in food

One of the most important functions of calories is that they help us identify the different nutrients in food. For example, if you eat 100 calories of chicken and 100 calories of pizza, your body will react differently to these two meals because they contain different amounts and types of nutrients. Calories are often referred to as energy units. Still, it’s important to remember that a calorie isn’t just energy—it’s a measurement for all things containing energy: food, water and even your body!