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5 Tips to Make Your Flower Shop Bloom

5 Tips to Make Your Flower Shop Bloom

For a flower shop, there are certain times of the year when business is guaranteed, such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Mothers’ Day. But if you’re looking for tips on how to increase the flow of customers coming into your flower shop in the off-season, look no further!

Here are five of our best marketing strategies for flower shops.

1. Create Advertising Flyers

Create Advertising Flyers For Your Flower Shop

Flyers are now considered a traditional form of marketing, but if there’s one thing the flower business and flyers have in common, it’s that they’re oldies, but goodies!

Gone are the days when you needed to hire an expert to design your flyers for you. Now, there exist services like PosterMyWall, where you can scroll through hundreds of small business flyer templates until you find one that’s perfect for you.

Spend some time reflecting on which design represents your brand best, and think carefully about the content of the flyer as well.

Do you want a more general flyer advertising your business? If so, add important details such as the location and timings.

Alternatively, you may want to advertise some specific deals or promotions, for which you can use big, flashy designs which catch the potential customer’s eye.

2. Use Social Media

Use Social Media for Your Flower ShopSince we have discussed traditional marketing in the first tip, let’s take a look at a modern marketing strategy now. Successfully using a blend of traditional and modern strategies will set your flower shop apart from others in the business.

Social media marketing is all the rage these days, and flower shops shouldn’t miss out on the opportunities for growth it offers, either.

There are tons of platforms you can advertise on, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. You can even create a website for cataloging or even sale purposes. While you should experiment to find out which platform or combination of platforms is the best fit for you, here’s a number of ways in which you can use Facebook, which we recommend.

There are a couple of things you can do to ensure your social media marketing strategy on Facebook is successful:

  • Business category: When you’re creating your business page, make sure to choose the right business category. If you’re operating as a local business, choose that category, because this will let you add your location details, as opposed to if you are an online business.
  • Facebook tabs: These are customizable for business pages, a feature you should take advantage of. This means that in addition to the usual tabs, you can add a CTA (Call to Action) button. This can be anything from signing up to your mailing list, or taking a ‘tour’ of your business via video. The choice is yours.
  • Vary your content. It’s essential not to post the same type of content all the time, since that’s a recipe for boredom. Try out the 70-20-10 rule for some variance. Applied to Facebook, this means 70% original content, 20% relevant reshared content that your audience will be interested in, and 10% content directly promoting your business.

3. Email Marketing

Email Marketing For Your Flower Shop

This is an arena of marketing that is slightly different from social media marketing but gives you great returns if you put in the effort.

You will need to do two things:

  • Start a mailing list
  • Create valuable email content that does not inspire any ‘unsubscribe’ actions from recipients

You can use email marketing to let customers know of any new products or services you are launching. You can advertise special deals on certain seasonal events, such as Valentine’s Day. You can even send them simple tutorials on how to place an order, especially if you offer the option for online sales.

While email marketing might seem a bit more complicated and less rewarding than other forms of marketing (since you don’t receive immediate responses to your efforts), it is still worth looking into if you want to promote your flower business.

4. Video Marketing

Do Video Marketing for Flower Shop

Hop onto the newest marketing trend and flaunt your gorgeous floral arrangements on camera!

There are many options to choose from when it comes to video marketing, so do some brainstorming and come up with your own unique way to showcase your shop. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a short intro video for your flower shop, where you detail all the services you offer and how sales work. This can be in the form of a filmed video, or even a collection of slides with a voice-over.
  • Do a flower shop tour! Customers will love to see the dazzling array of colors in your flower arrangements on film. Do a voice-over guiding the viewer to different varieties of flowers, or types of arrangements, and other products you offer.
  • Film the process of creating a bouquet, for example, a wedding bouquet. This type of behind-the-scenes content will be especially enticing for viewers as they get to see the work put into your products.

You can easily circulate your videos using social media or email marketing which we detailed above.

5. Write a Blog

Create a Blog For Your Flower Shop

Blog writing may not be for everyone, since it requires time, consistency (a new blog post at least once a month), and some level of commitment to writing, but if you’re willing to go the extra mile it is highly rewarding.

This is because if you write fresh, informative content, Google will rank your website or blog higher on the search algorithm than competitors’. This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and works to increase traffic to your website.

While writing your blog, you should make sure to create content that is helpful for the customer and also easy to access and read. Don’t write in a stuffy tone, and break down large chunks of text using bullets, numbering, and small paragraphs.

Write on interesting and relevant topics such as tips for taking care of flowers to make them last longer, wedding floral arrangement inspiration, et cetera.

You can even pair your blog posts with video marketing by creating complementary written and visual content.


Now that we have discussed 5 useful tips you should be familiar with if you want to promote your flower shop with the dedication it deserves, it’s your turn to carefully choose your unique approach.

The possibilities are endless; in the end, it all boils down to your commitment and creativity.