Amazing and Easy Baseboard Cleaning Tips
Amazing & Easy Baseboard Cleaning Tips
You deserve a spick and span home. That’s why you invest so much money in maid services. However, even if you have full-time home cleaning, you can still benefit from learning some basic home skills. Your house cleaning will go by faster if you learn the tricks of the trade. A cleaning company can show you certain things while they’re at your house as well. If a maid comes by, make sure you watch if you have time. In the following article, we will detail one cleaning trick- cleaning baseboards. You can get sparkling cleaning baseboards if you adhere to the tips that are outlined.
For Dusting
Baseboards can sometimes just need a little dusting here and there. You can always bend down and clean them with a damp cloth. On the other hand, you can use your vacuum. If you use the extension nozzle and then put the duster on the end, you will get it done in no time flat. Then you can simply run the vacuum hose along all the edges of the baseboard for a quick clean. The flat part at the top is where the dust collects the most.
Getting Rid of Stains
Your baseboards might be a little dirtier. You can try spraying them with disinfectant and then wiping them with a cloth. Baring this, you don’t really want to get them too wet. They are, after all, painted wood. You can instead get some baking soda and make it into a paste in a bowl.
Then, take the baking soda paste and scrub. The whitening power of baking soda will work wonders. Alternatively, you can use a dampened sponge and then sprinkle the baking soda on. This trick works just as well. You might want to invest in the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for this trick. They clean smudges well on their own. If you add in some baking soda, the effectiveness is likely to increase.
When It’s Time to Remodel
There are times when it’s just time to remodel. You will need to remove the baseboards for this and repaint them. It can be annoying to sand down your baseboards and start again, but it’s part of homeownership. You will be amazed at how the baseboards can change the look of a home. There’s certainly some merit to investing your time in fixing them up. You can always upgrade to a newer version of the baseboard in the process. There are modern, boxy baseboards that look nice when you put them up. They can give a home a more modernized feel.
It’s up to you for the most part to assess the condition of your baseboards. Maid services can only go so far and they cannot do an entire renovation in the short time you hire them. If your baseboards can’t be restored, it might be time to simply repaint them or even start again. When you’re done, you’ll be rewarded with a clean looking space.